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There are several ways that we will follow the owner of a phone number, and MSN is an excellent search engine, which is a search service phone, you can reward available. Using MSN as a search engine offers many benefits, not only because it is an easy way to search for the owner of an item and do not realize they can also be used to help you, do not know the number of people. In essence, if the issues, MSN search engine is a very convenientthat can be used for many purposes.
However, apart from the many great features, if you have to concentrate to find the owner of a phone number, you have two options. You can use the yellow pages or white pages. Both options are available through MSN. Therefore, you must first be able to go to the home page of MSN access to these directories. After you successfully load the site, follow these steps:
1. Click on "White Pages", which is listed,the top of the page. The information is listed alphabetically.
2. Once the new page is loaded, white pages search to be ready to go. Scroll to "reverse lookup phone" option, which is located directly beneath the "White page search.
3. In the search box provided enter the area code and number of seven digits of the phone you are trying to trace the owner (IE 111-111-1111). After entering the number, click the search button and wait for results. It isthat simple.
The results you will receive regarding the owner of the phone number will vary depending on the type of phone they are calling from. For instance, cell phone numbers will provide you very limited information - if any - about the owner. Furthermore, results may also be vague if the person is calling from an unlisted phone number. However, with any luck you'll at least be provided with the location of the phone number which may help to give you a clue as to who the owner can be (IE long-lost friend or relative, etc.).
You can also do a reverse lookup of MSN Yellow Pages White Pages Web site. This is a good idea if you suspect that you, the owner of the number are not a business.
As you can see, a reverse search phone with MSN, can help trace a mobile number is a fairly simple procedure, is actually discover who was calling you.